(563) 659-0735
Email Tierra Wall
CDMS Counseling Services
Hello there! My name is Tierra Wall and I am the 7th-9th grade School Counselor here at Central DeWitt. Outside of school you can find me hanging out with my dogs, friends, and family. I am also a lover of the outdoors, creating projects, track and field, and yoga. Above all, I am most passionate about helping others. As the School Counselor, I have the privilege to work with every single student in the school and assist them in various ways. I work with students at the small group level, short-term individual counseling level, and occasionally go into classrooms to teach lessons. I will also meet with parents and collaborate with teachers and staff.
Group Counseling: Group counseling is provided for small groups of students experiencing similar concerns. These may include making and keeping friends, anger management, coping with separation/divorce and or loss, getting organized/study skills and/or improving self-esteem. The groups generally range from 5 to 7 students and last for 6 to 8 sessions. Referrals for groups are made by staff members, parents/guardians, or students themselves.
Individual Counseling: Short term, one-on-one counseling support is available to all students. They may self-refer or be referred to the counselors by teachers/staff and/or parents.
Any student can request to meet with me via email or by stopping by my office before the bell rings in the morning. They can also be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent/guardian. I encourage you to reach out if you have concerns regarding your child. Please contact me at (563) 659-4780 or