CDHS Curriculum

K-12 Content Standards
Teams of teachers in every grade level/content area work together to identify essential standards for their grade level/content area. Essential standards must meet the following criteria:
Endurance: Knowledge and skills of value beyond a single test date. Will the standard be employed exactly as it is in life beyond the school walls? Does it represent how things are really done?
Leverage: Knowledge and skills of value in multiple disciplines. Is the standard transferable and even necessary for learners to access skills and content in other areas or fields?
Readiness: Knowledge and skills necessary for success in the next grade level, the next instruction level, or the state test. Is the standard a building block that other standards are contingent on?
The identified standards are subject to change from year to year based on student need. The identified content standards are identified on report cards in K-6 and in the Infinite Campus grade book for 7-12.
Grades 7th-12th Grading Standards
Standards-Based Learning refers to a system of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting based on students demonstrating understanding of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn.
EX | Exceeding | The student has demonstrated in-depth understanding of the learning goal beyond what was taught. |
SE | Securing | |
MT | Meeting | The student has met the learning goal |
AP | Approaching | |
DV | Developing | The student has demonstrated the foundational skills and knowledge for the learning goal (almost there) |
PR | Progressing | |
BG | Beginning | The student has some understanding of the learning goal |
IE | Insufficient Evidence | The student has attempted but has not demonstrated enough understanding to earn a beginning mark |
M | Missing | The student has not submitted any evidence to show understanding of the learning goal |
Standards referenced grading is in place in all 7th-12th grade courses, except for AP and dual credit courses (standards referenced means that a percentage grade is still assigned as the semester grade but pieces of evidence are evaluated using descriptors, BG, DV, MT, EX) For more information please read the SRG Handbook.
A | 90% to 100% |
B | 80% to 89% |
C | 70% to 79% |
D | 60% to 69% |
F | Below 60% |
I | Incomplete |
P | Pass |
If you are a parent with a 7th-12th grade student in the district and would like to have access to their courses on Canvas, please download the Canvas Parent App or visit the Canvas website and then watch the following video and view the printed directions to get set up.
Academic Integrity
Central DeWitt Community School District is committed to academic integrity. The administration and staff expect that all students submit coursework that reflect their own individual and original efforts. Cheating of any kind, including plagiarism, is a direct violation of the academic integrity policy. This policy covers all aspects of academic integrity, including plagiarism and cheating. All parties involved in the incident will be held to the same consequences.
Course Guidebook
The Course Guidebook lists courses available to high school students. Each course has a course description, prerequisite course if needed, and the grade level the course is available. Before choosing a course, read the description and be sure this is the course you want. If you have questions about a course, please contact the high school.
In addition to the course descriptions, you will also find a list of the graduation requirements and the required courses students must pass in order to graduate from Central DeWitt High School. There are classes, such as Language Arts, that are taken at a particular grade level. These will be indicated on the registration form for each student.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the registration process, please call the high school at (563) 659-0715 and ask for the guidance office.
CDHS-Specific Curriculum
Students in 9th grade will receive human growth and development education as part of the Central DeWitt overall health education curriculum. Click the button below to view the timeline, resources used, and other instructional information.
This course if offered by the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency. To register and find more information the click here.
After your student has completed driver’s education you can call the high school to schedule a meeting with the principal at (563) 659-0715 to obtain a school driving permit. Parent(s)/guardian(s) and student must be present for this 15-minute, face-to-face, meeting. Please complete the following two forms and bring them with you to your meeting. Your student must also bring their permit to the meeting.
Special Education Delivery Plan
At Central DeWitt we strive to provide the best learning experience for students of all abilities. Our special education teams work hard to ensure that each student has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies to help them reach their full potential.
English Language Learners (ELL)
The Central DeWitt Community School District’s Lau Plan serves as guidance for addressing the linguistic needs of English Language Leaners (ELLs) and to make sure students can participate successfully in academic and social situations. We are proud to fully support English Language Learners and their families both academically and culturally.
Extended Learning Plan including Talented and Gifted (ELP)
The Central DeWitt Community School District provides for students with outstanding talents and abilities through the Extended Learning Program.
Teacher Leadership