Congratulations to CDHS Language Arts Teacher Ms. Schrage, who recently earned the distinction of becoming a National Board Certified teacher! It’s the highest and most-respected honor a teacher can receive in their profession.
The certification process requires teachers to provide evidence of the positive effect they have on student success. They must exhibit a deep understanding of their students, the subject they teach, use of data, assessments and teaching practices. They must also show they participate in learning communities and provide evidence of ongoing reflection and continuous learning. Getting certified can take up to three years, but Ms. Schrage completed hers in just one year.
Not only was she able to highlight her strengths as a teacher, but this gave her an opportunity to reflect on her teaching practices and make adjustments to ensure she is providing the best possible learning opportunities for all of her students.
“You’re constantly reviewing yourself, reflecting on your practice,” Ms. Schrage said. “I really changed a lot of what I do when I teach because of this process. It forces you to look at what assignments you’re giving and ask, ‘Is what I’m doing the best thing for my students?’”
While the process was rigorous, Ms. Schrage feels it was worth the time and effort because of what she learned and how that will benefit her students.
“It’s an intense process, but research shows National Certified Teachers are more effective with kids in the long run,” Mr. Pickup, CDHS principal said. “Even before she got this certification, she was a darn good teacher. I know the expectations she has for students and she’s very effective.”
Only 3% of teachers nation-wide are certified and only 790 in Iowa. CDHS Art Teacher Mrs. Dunlavey, is also a National Board Certified teacher who was instrumental in helping Ms. Schrage through the certification process. Now, Ms. Schrage is encouraging other Central DeWitt teachers to become certified and is looking forward to being a mentor to them.
Great job, Ms. Schrage! Your hard work has paid off and we couldn’t be prouder of you!
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