Four Central DeWitt Choir members recently represented Central DeWitt at the 2023 Meistersinger Honor Choir at Wartburg College.They were chosen to sing with either the mixed or treble ensemble with students from 110 area high schools.Congratulations to Kali Kaczinkski, Makayla Navin, Alexis Van Zee, and Regina Klostermann for being chosen to participate! This festival is unique in that every year students sing the works of a composer who is an artist-in-residence at Wartburg College.Festival participants learn about the background of the songs, the artistic process in creating music, and get an understanding of the musical choices the composer decided upon.This year Indian-American composer Reena Esmail was featured.One of her works was performed by the Iowa All State Choir. Students also worked with Dr. Lee Nelson and Dr. Nicki Toliver from Wartburg College, listened to featured high school performers, and heard concerts from many of the college vocal ensembles. To hear a clip from the concert see below. Pictured from left to right: Kali Kaczinkski, Makayla Navin, Alexis Van Zee, and Regina Klostermann.'
CDHS students perform in Meistersinger Honor Choir at Wartburg College
January 27, 2023