ü§öü§öVolunteers Needed! ‚úã‚úã Ekstrand Elementary and CDIS are currently looking for volunteers to join the Lunch Buddies Program ‚Äì a program designed to provide students with additional positive role models. Can you share just 30-60 minutes a week to make a difference in a student's life? New this year, we are excited to announce that Jim and Leanna Devine are sponsoring the program so we can provide free lunch for all of our Lunch Buddy volunteers! Thank you to the Devines for their generosity and for supporting our volunteers and students! Lunch Buddies have been making a difference for Central DeWitt students for over 20 years and we hope you'll become part of this rewarding program! To sign up please reach out to tanya.glennon@cd-csd.org to volunteer at Ekstrand or derek.mccready@cd-csd.org to volunteer at CDIS. Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in our students' lives! #gosabers #centraldewittcsd #ekstrandelementary #cdis #centraldewittintermediateschool #lunchbuddies #volunteer #thankyoujimandleannadevine'
Lunch Buddies program seeking volunteers
November 30, 2022