student yearbook sale 20% off

ATTENTION PARENTS OF SENIORS! Show some love for your senior and buy an ad in the 2022-2023 CDHS yearbook! It's easier than ever this year due to new online software. You can now design your own ad online or simply send us the pictures and your special message to us over email at . STEPS FOR PUBLICATIONS STAFF TO DESIGN YOUR ADS (Please uses Safari as your web browser) Instructional video Step One – Open on your device. Step Two – Type in School's name Central DeWitt and click on the school name Step Three – Scroll down and select Create a Personal ad Step Four – Fill out the questions – student's first name, last name, grade, homeroom teacher, and buyer's email. Then hit next. Step Five – You can have the school design your ad, or you can upload an ad you made, and you can also design your own ad online. Step Six – Choose the size and color you want. Step Seven – Type in a Headline (ex: Congratulations Johnny! ) and a personal message for your student. Step Eight – Upload your pictures Step Nine – And then checkout. Step 10: Submit credit card information to the secure server. Step 11: We will send you a proof for your ad once completed! STEPS FOR PARENT-DESIGNED ADS (Please uses Safari as your web browser) Instructional video Step One – Open on your device. Step Two – Type in School name Central DeWitt and click on the school name Step Three – Scroll down and select Create a Personal ad Step Four – Fill out the questions – Fill out the questions – student's first name, last name, grade, homeroom teacher, and buyer's email. Then hit next. Step Five – Select Design my Own Ad Online Step Six – Choose the size you want. Step seven – Choose the color Step Eight – Add the text you want and the pictures you want. Step Nine – Finalize that you have everything you want and then checkout with your credit card using the secure server.'