The show must go on and, thanks to CDIS staff, the 4th and 5th grade Winter Program will take place on Dec. 8th! CDIS has been unable to fill their music teacher position this year which made having a winter program seem impossible. But, just like a holiday miracle in a Hallmark movie, the staff has stepped up to save the day and make sure students will still have a winter program. The teachers, turned choir directors, are doing a great job helping their students learn the songs while Netty Schneider, the school's secretary, is taking on the choreography! It has been an all-hands-on-deck effort and we're incredibly grateful to everyone making this possible for our students! The program is Dec. 8th at 6:30 p.m. in the Central DeWitt Performing Arts Center. Check out this sneak peek! #gosabers #centraldewitt #cdis #4thand5thwinterprogram #weloveoursaberfamily #theshowmustgoon #thankyoucdisstaff #hotcocoa'
CDIS staff saves 4th and 5th grade Winter Program
November 29, 2022