Mrs. Burzlaff's 2nd grade class recently learned all about cranberries during a lesson by Ag in the Classroom Consultant, Jenna Stevens. The students learned how cranberries are grown, harvested and different ways they are processed. The students performed an experiment where they looked at, smelled and tasted cranberries in four different forms: a fresh, raw cranberry, cranberry juice, jellied cranberry sauce, and homemade cranberry sauce. The clear favorite was the homemade cranberry sauce while the raw cranberry was unanimously the least favorite (hence the sour-looking faces in the pictures). Stevens also visited St. Joseph's Catholic School this year where 4th grade students are learning about aquaculture. As part of this lesson, students created their own aquaculture system, filmed a PSA about aquaculture, and will start and care for their own hydroponic system in their classroom. Ag in the Classroom is a program that helps K-12 students understand the role agriculture plays in their lives. Stevens is also an FFA coach at Central DeWitt and is on the Southeast Iowa STEM Advisory Board.
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #ekstrandelementary #stjosephcatholicschool#agintheclassroom #cranberries #aquaculture'