The Unified members from the 5th and 6th grade, along with the high school Unified members, put on a sensory-safe trick or treat experience for our Special Olympics athletes on Thursday, Oct. 27th at CDIS. Athletes were able to dress up and come to trick or treat. The Unified members handed out goodies to those who attended. Teachers were encouraged to decorate their doors for Halloween to help decorate for the event (emphasis was placed on a door that somehow incorporated inclusion). Mrs. Hofer's 5th grade class had the winning door! On Friday, Oct. 18th the Central DeWitt Unified team put on a Halloween party for our athletes as well as some athletes from North Scott schools. The group played games, made Halloween art, danced and ate lunch together. Everyone had a great time!
gosabers #centraldewittcsd #centraldewittspecialolympics #centraldewittunifiedteam #halloweenparty #choosetoinclude #inclusion'