On Wednesday, 10 of Central DeWitt's juniors and seniors took advantage of touring Scott Community College. Students were able to learn about several career pathways offered through SCC. Some of these programs included degrees covered under the Last Dollar Scholarship program, which allows Iowans to earn a college degree for free tuition. In addition, all three of EICC's campuses offer a scholarship to Central DeWitt students who continue their education at EICC after high school graduation. The highest level of the Connections scholarship allows students to earn half off tuition for their first year of college. If you or your students have any questions about the Last Dollar Scholarship or Connections Scholarship, please email Holly Hansen at holly.hansen@cd-csd.org.
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #collegevisit #saberssucceeding #scc #eicc'