Here are a few important announcements from Saber Drama: !!Saber Drama Parent's Night ‚Äì Join us in the Central DeWitt Performing Arts Center on Thursday, October 13th from 7-8 p.m. Come meet the new director, learn a little about the show, and discover a number of different ways to support the club, production and your students. üëï We are looking for clothing donations for the fall musical Mamma Mia! If you have any 70's or 90's clothing that you would be willing to donate or lend to the performance, it would be greatly appreciated. üé≠ Only one month left until Saber Drama takes the stage to present the award-winning, jukebox musical Mamma Mia! November 11th & 12th at 7pm in the Central DeWitt Performing Arts Center!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #cdhsmusical #saberdrama #centraldewittperformingartscenter #cdpac #mammamia'