At the beginning of the year CDIS art students were asked to create a quick crayon drawing of something important to them. Then Mrs. Magill asked them to exchange their drawings in preparation to give each other feedback about their work. However, instead of giving feedback, they were told to crumple the other person's paper. Many students were hesitant to do this, but followed through. The students uncrumpled and attempted to smooth the papers which prompted great discussions about how their words and actions affect others, and that even if we apologize, we've still made a lasting impact. Mrs. Magill also used this project to show students that they can take a bad situation and out of it create something better. Students chose a favorite color to paint over their drawing, and Mrs. Magill combined the students work into one beautiful collaborative piece which you see now. What a beautiful way to teach an important lesson!'
CDIS students learn important lesson through art
October 11, 2022