UPDATE: If you'd like to hear Wednesday's school board discussion regarding this decision click here: https://youtu.be/fuJO-OYuln0 The discussion begins at 01:33:44. As a reminder, everyone is welcome to attend school board meetings. Meeting agendas can be found here: https://go.boarddocs.com/ia/central/Board.nsf/Public Saber Community, In an effort to keep all spectators safe, we have updated student spectator expectations at home High School Football games. We will be enforcing the following expectations listed below, starting with tomorrow night's home game, Friday, September 23. All students 6th grade and under must be accompanied by an adult. Student spectators will not be allowed to play games in the open areas. Please do not let your child bring any type of equipment to games (footballs, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, etc). Any items that do make their way to the game will be confiscated, and a parent can pick them up from school the following week. Students will be asked to sit in a designated area according to the building they attend. Intermediate students will be in the bleachers on the north side of the stadium, and Middle School students will be in the bleachers closest to the scoreboard. It is the expectation that students will stay in the assigned seating area and watch the football game. Students may also sit with an adult in other areas. Ekstrand students will not have an assigned area. Students in Preschool through 3rd grade, and younger, are to be sitting with their parents. The grassy areas on the home side are a great space for families with young children, but we also understand the fun of sitting with friends so we are asking for parent support in just keeping them close to the area you are sitting in and encouraging them to watch the game instead of running around. Thank you for your continued support of our students, staff, schools, and activities! Go Sabers! Sincerely, Dr. Dan Peterson, Superintendent'
UPDATE – Student expectations at home football games
September 23, 2022