Yesterday, speaker Laura Stack shared her personal tragedy, along with critical information she has learned about high-potency THC concentrates and dabbing, to help CDMS and CDHS students understand how marijuana can harm them. In 2019, her son, Johnny, completed suicide after he became addicted to high-potency marijuana and developed cannabis-induced psychosis. Before using marijuana, Johnny was an active, involved teen with a 4.0 GPA. His marijuana use caused him to withdraw, become depressed and delusional, even thinking the mob was after him. Three days before his death, Johnny issued his own warning about his marijuana usage and what it had done to his brain. After losing her son, Laura started a nonprofit organization, Johnny's Ambassadors, to educate parents and teens about the dangers of youth marijuana use. Thank you to Laura and her husband, John, for coming to Central DeWitt and making a difference in our students lives by sharing your story. We strongly encourage parents and guardians to have a conversation with your child about what they learned at this assembly. For information about high-potency THC and dabbing or to learn more about Johnny, visit 

 #gosabers #centradewittcsd #cdms #cdhs #StopDabbing #johnnysambassadors #camanchcoalition'