πŸ’œπŸ’› We are excited to introduce the teachers joining our Saber Family this year! We have no doubt they're going to be a great addition and we are excited to have them! Thank you to First Central State Bank for hosting a breakfast yesterday to welcome our new teachers to the community!

 Ekstrand Elementary: Madeline Johnson (3rd grade), Lauren Happ (1st grade). 

 CDIS: Back row(left to right): Samantha Miller (4th grade), Douglas Ward (6th grade). Front row(left to right): Derek McCready (guidance counselor), Lela Hamann (4th grade), Kristin Thompson (6th grade). 

 CDMS: Back row (left to right): Tierra Hildebrandt (7-9 guidance counselor), Robert Dennis (Social Studies). Front Row (left to right): Melissa Hansen (special education), Makenna River (Language Arts), Sarah Quist (Language Arts) 

 CDHS: Zachary Taylor (Science), Kellee Clarke (Spanish), Christopher Law (Business) #gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdcsdnewteachers #newteachers #backtoschool #welcometocentraldewitt #saberfamily'