🖍If you're out and about taking advantage of Iowa's Tax-Free Holiday this weekend, it's a great time to get all your school supplies for the year! You can download the 2022-2023 PK-12 school supply list on our website under Parent Information & Forms or by clicking this link: https://www.cd-csd.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/22-23-School-Supply-List.pdf Don't forget to grab some extra supplies for the DeWitt Referral Center & Thrift Store School Supply Drive! All donations help students in the Central DeWitt Community School District. Visit their Facebook page for more details. Thank you for supporting our students! #gosabers #centraldewittcsd #centraldewittschoolsupplylist #backtoschool'
Where to find the 2022-2023 school supply list
August 5, 2022