🏆 It's August which means it's time to dust off the backpacks and start thinking about going back to school! From now until school starts on Aug. 23rd, we'll be sharing helpful tidbits to make sure your family has all the info needed to start the year off right! Today we're sharing where you can find the school calendar and the activities calendar so you don't miss any of the great things happening at Central DeWitt! !!Please note that Wed., August 24th is NOT an early dismissal day due to it being the second day of school. The first early dismissal of the year will be Wednesday, Aug. 31. Here is the link to the school calendar: https://www.cd-csd.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-2023-Central-DeWitt-Calendar-Approved-2.pdf or you can find it under NEWS on our homepage. Here is the link to the activities calendar: https://mississippiathleticconference.org/public/genie/170/school/7635/ or you can find it by clicking on the calendar icon on our homepage. We're looking forward to start of school and hope you are, too! #gosabers #centraldewittcsd #centraldewittcalendar #centraldewittbacktoschool #areyoureadyforschooltostart'
Where to find the 2022-2023 school and activity calendars
August 4, 2022