Saber Coffee Shop employees deliver coffee to teacher

Mrs. Keith's Level I third grade students learned a lot more than how to make a good cup of coffee this year when they opened the Saber Coffee Shop at Ekstrand Elementary in January. They learned valuable skills, what it takes to run a business, and the importance of giving back.

After being inspired by the CDIS student-run coffee shop, The Purple Bean, Mrs. Keith felt a coffee shop would be a great project-based learning opportunity for her students. Before the shop opened, Mrs. Keith’s students had a Zoom meeting with The Purple Bean staff to learn about running a coffee business.

Once the Saber Coffee Shop was up and running, students were responsible for organizing the orders, making and delivering the coffee, counting money, doing inventory, marketing, and more. These tasks, which the students find fun and engaging, are teaching them math, reading, and social skills, not to mention life lessons.

As employees of the coffee shop, the students are paid 10 “dollars” per shift which can be used to purchase items from Mrs. Keith’s prize box. Students have to earn their pay though – they must show up, stay on task and perform well to be paid.

In just over four months of business, the young entrepreneurs brought in over $223 which they chose to donate toward the new playground at Ekstrand. The students presented the money to the principal at an end-of-the year assembly.

The response has not only been great from staff who enjoy the service, but also from Mrs. Keith’s future students who can’t wait until it’s their turn to work at the Saber Coffee Shop. And, thanks to a grant from The Education Foundation of Central DeWitt, Mrs. Keith is excited to expand Saber Coffee Shop offerings for the next school year!


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