Student trying Alliant Energy simulator

What incredible opportunities students had during STEMFest & Manufacturing Day at CDHS today! Students from six different schools gathered to learn about a variety of careers available in our area and what skills are most important to employers. Over 25 area businesses provided all kinds of activities to teach students about their work and answer questions regarding the specific careers they offer.

Two panel discussions were also held where students learned valuable information about what employers are looking for in employees, career path tips, the skills that are most important, and more. 

This is the first time since before the pandemic that this beneficial event was held again and we are so grateful to the area businesses for participating! Also, a big thank you to the DeWitt Chamber & Development Co. for hosting the event. 

#STEMFestandManufacturingDay #gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #cdms #stemfest #manufacturingday #dewittchamberanddevelopment #careerready