Bike helmet distribution at Ekstrand Elementary

For the last 11 years, the DeWitt Community Hospital Foundation, in collaboration with the Lincolnway Community Foundation, has been dedicated to promoting safety through providing free bike helmets to second-grade students in local elementary schools.

This year, they formed a new partnership with Central DeWitt High School's Business Communication class, led by Instructor Christopher Law. Recognizing the importance of community engagement, Law saw the helmet giveaway as an ideal service-learning project for his students.

The Business Communication class took on various roles to support the project including organizing helmet sizes, communicating with teachers, scheduling, and putting helmets together with collateral. Director of the DeWitt Community Hospital Foundation Robin Krogram said students were able to learn the process of completing a project of a large magnitude from start to finish.

Last week, they handed out over 230 helmets to second graders at Ekstrand Elementary, St. Joseph Catholic School, Delwood Elementary, Northeast Elementary, and Calamus-Wheatland Elementary School.

“Mr. Law and his business class were a pleasure to work with,” Krogman said. “The exciting part was getting to deliver them to the area schools. It was fun to see the second graders so excited to see the high school students. The DeWitt Community Hospital Foundation is grateful for Mr Law and his class on this project. We hope to continue to work together in the future.”

This experience not only provided extra hands to help the hospital foundation, it also empowered Central DeWitt students to play an active role in helping their community.

Students assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents assembling and organizing bike helmetsStudents distributing helmets at Calamus-WheatlandStudents distributing helmets at Delwood ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Northeast

St. Joseph Catholic SchoolStudents distributing helmets at NortheastStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand ElementaryStudents distributing helmets at Ekstrand Elementary