The Grinch was up to no good at CDIS recently! Will the students’ resiliency along with the help of Officer Witt save the day? You’ll have to watch to find out! This fun video, created with the help of Mrs. Hahn, tells the story behind Mrs. Reedy and Mrs. Wainwright’s door décor that won the CDIS Door Decorating Contest this year. Congratulations and great job!
#gosabers #gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdis #cdisart #cdismusic #collaboration #howthegrichstolethebestclass #saberpride #saberssucceeding #happyholidays
This semester these CDHS students had the opportunity to explore career options through a job shadow program offered at CDHS. Read below to see how this experience helped them in planning for their future:
Lily Gruntorad job shadowed a special agent at the Iowa State Patrol office in Stockton. During her experience, an agent walked Lily through how they solved a double homicide in 2017. She was shown pictures of the scene and told how they gathered evidence, how to identify evidence, and the procedure on investigating the scene.
After that, the agent answered questions, such as the college she went to (University of Wisconsin Platteville). Lily also learned about day-to-day duties and how the agent got to where she is today. And, Lily was shown how to use fingerprint powder to collect and lift fingerprints.
Lily’s experience with the Iowa State Patrol made her realize she wants to attend UWP and become a crime scene investigator.
“After the shadow, my heart is set on becoming a crime scene investigator with a master's degree in criminal justice,” Lily said.
Hannah Moore and Liliana Hartley shadowed Marianna Kroh with RISE Counseling and Consulting in DeWitt.
They spoke with Marianna about her path to becoming a therapist and what a typical day looks like in her profession. The students learned they need to get a masters degree to become a therapist. Hannah said her experience solidified her plans to get her masters in specialized therapy and diagnosis for autistic people.
Job shadows are open to juniors and seniors. Applications are sent out in the fall and spring semester. There have been several area businesses supporting job shadows, and anyone interested can contact Holly Hansen at
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #jobshadowing #planningforthefuture #careerandcollegeready #saberssucceeding
Take a look at all the festive fun students had over the last few weeks! What we really love seeing is how many of the activities were community-service oriented! We couldn’t be prouder of our Sabers! Happy Holidays from Central DeWitt Community School District!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #cdms #cdis #ekstrandelementary #festivefun #saberpride #saberssucceeding #happyholidays
💜💛 We are excited to announce that 5th-8th Band Teacher Brittany Wedeking has been chosen as the December Central DeWitt Community School District Employee of the Month!
In the numerous nominations Mrs. Wedeking received, it is very clear her students feel valued by her and they appreciate her authenticity. Again and again, students mentioned how patient, kind, and fun she is as a teacher. They also admire how she helps them persevere when struggling to learn something new.
“She has taught me things I thought I could never learn,” student Raylee Swanson said. “And, she gets it when you don’t know how to do something or when you’re having a rough day. There are not enough people in the world that are like Mrs. Wedeking.”
For Mrs. Wedeking, her love of teaching band isn’t just about students learning to play an instrument. The more meaningful part for her are the life lessons, such as accountability, discipline, responsibility, teamwork and resiliency, students learn while being a part of a large team. She also added that it’s an experience for students unlike anything else with many other benefits.
“My research in college was all about how music is the only activity that you can do that uses all the parts of your brain together. It helps train your brain to do other things well,” Mrs. Wedeking said.
During her 11 years teaching at Central DeWitt, Brittany has shown unwavering dedication and commitment to helping students achieve their full potential. Her unique ability to connect with her students, making them feel heard and understood, fosters a positive learning environment students look forward to attending. She will no doubt continue to be a favorite for many more students!
We received over 130 nominations for Employee of the Month and will be featuring the other nominees in the #SaberSuperstars next week. Stay tuned to see all the great ways our employees are making a difference!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdcsdemployeeofthemonth #novemberemployeeofthemonth #saberssucceeding #sabersuperstar
🎓 Meet Ava Melvin another one of our seniors who is on the path to success after graduation! Way to go, Ava!
The Senior Spotlight is created by CDHS AmeriCorps Student Leaders Aubrey Vance and Tori Rheingans. In this role, Aubrey and Tori serve as a resource for their peers in planning and preparing for post-secondary options. They help with scholarships, college applications, FAFSA, work-based learning opportunities, and more.
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #seniorspotlight #americorpsstudentleaders #careerandcollegeready #postsecondaryoptions #saberssucceeding
🎶 Our talented Central DeWitt staff members made the last morning before winter break a little more festive by playing holiday tunes in the CDMS Media Center before school on Tuesday. The “Elf Band,” is a fun, yearly tradition in the days before winter break begins. Have a listen:
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #elfband #centraldewittstaff #weloveourstaff #saberpride #happyholidays
Third grade recently finished their Ancient Roman Civilization unit where they learned about Roman architecture, lasting contributions made by the Romans and more. As part of the culminating project, students made artifacts such as bridges, scrolls, the Colosseum, mosaics and Roman coins. On the last day of the unit, students created Roman symbols and architectural features out of cookie dough. After nutrition services baked the cookies, students were able to enjoy them! Thank you to the Central DeWitt PTO for funding this culminating project!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #ekstrandelementary #thirdgrade #ancientromancivilization #culminatingprojects #learningisfun #handsonlearning
We hope you have a wonderful winter break and look forward to seeing everyone again on Thursday, January 4th!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #centraldewittwinterbreak #happyholidays
Just a reminder that if you haven’t filled out the needs assessment survey yet, it closes at the end of the business day on Tuesday, Dec. 19th. We’d love to have all Central DeWitt parents and community members take this short survey to help us identify our strengths and where we need to improve.
Click here to access the survey:
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey and help us better serve our students!
Thank you to everyone who rounded up at Randy’s Neighborhood Market during the week of Thanksgiving! The money raised went toward Thanksgiving Baskets created by National Honor Society for 35 local families. The baskets contained a variety of non-perishable goods, meats, household supplies, toiletries, milk, butter, eggs and all the fixings for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We are so grateful for our community’s support!
#gosabers #centraldewitt #thanksgivingbaskets #cdhs #nhs #nationalhonorsociety #weloveourcommunity #saberssucceeding #saberpride
💜💛 Congratulations to CDHS Math Teacher Eric Olson who recently earned the distinction of becoming a National Board Certified teacher! It’s the highest and most-respected honor a teacher can receive in their profession.
The rigorous certification process requires teachers to provide evidence of the positive effect they have on student success. They must exhibit a deep understanding of their students, the subject they teach, use of data, assessments and teaching practices. They must also show they participate in learning communities and provide evidence of ongoing reflection and continuous learning.
Congratulations again, Mr. Olson! Your efforts have paid off and we couldn’t be prouder of you!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #nationalboardcertifiedteacher #saberpride #saberssucceeding #professionaldevelopment #congratulationsmrolson
🎓 Meet senior Dylan Stoker who plans to join the Air Force after high school! Way to go, Dylan!
The Senior Spotlight is created by CDHS AmeriCorps Student Leaders Aubrey Vance and Tori Rheingans. In this role, Aubrey and Tori serve as a resource for their peers in planning and preparing for post-secondary options. They help with scholarships, college applications, FAFSA, work-based learning opportunities, and more.
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #seniorspotlight #americorpsstudentleaders #careerandcollegeready #postsecondaryoptions #saberssucceeding
CDMS 8th grade Health/FCS students partnered with Fieldstone to create handmade activity books for residents. Students personally exchanged their machine stitched projects on a field trip this week. The projects were created in teams over a three-week time period. Each book can hold puzzle or word search books and colored pencils. A big thanks to Kimberly and Megan at Fieldstone for their great booklet design. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with Fieldstone!
#gosabers centraldewittcsd #cdms #cdmsfcs #healthandfcsstudents #sewing #activitybooks #fieldstone #weloveourcommunity #saberssucceeding
Ekstrand Elementary had a very special guest serving lunch today! Devin Hurdle, a 2019 Central DeWitt graduate, and recent free agent signee of Major League Baseball's Texas Rangers, signed autographs and talked with students during lunch today. We were excited to welcome Devin back to Central DeWitt and see him interact with our students. Thank you for stopping by, Devin!
#gosabers #centraldewitt #onceasaberalwaysasaber #ekstrandelementary #texasrangers #saberbaseball #saberalumni #saberssucceeding
Join us Monday, Dec. 18th at 4:30 p.m. for the Central DeWitt Community School Board Meeting. The meeting will be held in the CDMS Media Center, or you can watch via Zoom:
To view the agenda for Monday night’s meeting, visit
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #centraldewittschoolboard #schoolboardmeeting
REMINDER FOR CDHS STUDENTS AND PARENTS! The last day to order a 2023-2024 yearbook is Monday, Jan. 15th. Order at
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #saberyearbook #studentpublications #yearbookdeadline
⚾️ SAVE THE DATE! Central DeWitt is getting called up to the majors on Sunday, June 9th! Cheer on our Saber baseball team as they take on Fairfield High School at BUSCH STADIUM IN ST. LOUIS! The game will take place after the St. Louis Cardinal’s regular game. Stay tuned for ticket information and more!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #saberbaseball #majorleaguebaseball #buschstadium #saberpride #saberssucceeding #cheeronthesabersinstlouis
Come see Mrs. Wedeking and the CDMS 7th and 8th grade bands perform on Thursday, Dec. 14th at 6:30 p.m. and then catch Mr. Greubel and the CDHS band (9th-12th grade) perform on Sunday, Dec. 17th at 7 p.m. Both concerts will take place in the CDPAC at Central DeWitt High School. In the last two weeks, eight concerts will have been performed at CDPAC — what an amazing venue we have here in DeWitt!
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #cdms #cdhsband #cdmsband #winterconcerts #cdpac #centraldewittperformingartscenter #saberssucceeding #saberpride
🎓 Meet Taylor Huff, one of our seniors who is headed to UNI after graduation! Way to go, Taylor!
The Senior Spotlight is created by CDHS AmeriCorps Student Leaders Aubrey Vance and Tori Rheingans. In this role, Aubrey and Tori serve as a resource for their peers in planning and preparing for post-secondary options. They help with scholarships, college applications, FAFSA, work-based learning opportunities, and more.
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #seniorspotlight #americorpsstudentleaders #careerandcollegeready #postsecondaryoptions #saberssucceeding
CDHS is upping their game with the addition of Esports a form of competition using video games. Read more about Central DeWitt Esports and their first competition success here:
#gosabers #centraldewittcsd #cdhs #esports #centraldewittesports #inauguralseason #saberpride #saberssucceeding